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Subject of BibliographyMedia Form
1Advances in infancy research / co-editors, Lewis P. Lipsitt, Carolyn K. Rovee-Collier ; v. 1 - v. 12. -- ABLEX Publishing, 1981.図書
2Advances in child development and behavior / edited by Hayne W. Reese ; v. 1 - v. 46. -- Academic Press, 1963.図書
3乳幼児の心身発達と環境 : 大阪レポートと精神医学的視点 / 服部祥子, 原田正文著. -- 名古屋大学出版会 , 1991.図書
4認知発達心理学 : 表象と知識の起源と発達 / 落合正行, 土居道栄共編. -- 培風館 , 2002.図書
5Relationships as developmental contexts / edited by W.Andrew Collins, Brett Laursen ; : hard. -- 1999. -- (The Minnesota symposia on child psychology ; v. 30).図書
6The child audience : a guide to the developing child for television writers and producers / C. Glenn Cupit ; illustrated by Peter McWilliams.. -- Australian Government Publishing Service : published for Australian Broadcasting Tribunal : Children's Program Committee .図書
7Social cognition and social development : a sociocultural perspective / edited by E. Tory Higgins, Diane N. Ruble, and Willard W. Hartup.. -- Cambridge Unversity Press . -- (Cambridge studies in social and emotional development).図書
8Perceptual development in early infancy : problems and issues / edited by Beryl E. McKenzie, Ross H. Day. -- 1987. -- (Child psychology ).図書
9Understanding children's development / Peter K. Smith and Helen Cowie. -- 2nd ed. -- 1991. -- (Basic psychology ).図書
10Developmental psychology : cognitive, perceptuo-motor and neuropsychological perspectives / edited by Claude-Alain Hauert. -- North-Holland, 1990. -- (Advances in psychology ; 64).図書
11Psychobiology and early development / edited by Hellgard Rauh and Hans-Christoph Steinhausen. -- North-Holland, 1987. -- (Advances in psychology ; 46).図書
12Emotions in early development / edited by Robert Plutchik, Henry Kellerman. -- Academic Press, 1983. -- (Emotion : theory, research, and experience ; v. 2).図書
13Risk in intellectual and psychosocial development / edited by Dale C. Farran, James D. McKinney ; : pbk.. -- 1986. -- (Developmental psychology series ).図書
14Home environment and early cognitive development : longitudinal research / edited by Allen W. Gottfried. -- 1984. -- (Developmental psychology series ).図書
15Behavioral medicine and developmental disabilities / James K. Luiselli, editor ; us, gw. -- Springer-Verlag , 1989. -- (Disorders of human learning, behavior, and communication ).図書
16Verbal processes in children : progress in cognitive development research / edited by Charles J. Brainerd and Michael Pressley. -- Springer-Verlag , 1982. -- (Springer series in cognitive development ).図書
17The language and thought of the child / by Jean Piaget ; preface by E. Claparde. -- 3rd ed. -- Routledge & Kegen . -- (International library of psychology, philosophy and scientific method ).図書
18Socialization, personality, and social development / E. Mavis Hetherington, volume editor. -- 4th ed. -- Wiley , 1983. -- (Handbook of child psychology / Paul H. Mussen, editor ; v. 4).図書
19Six theories of child development : revised formulations and current issues / editor, Ross Vasta.. -- (Annals of child development ; v. 6 (1989)).図書
20Continuity and discontinuity of experience in child care / volume editors Donald L. Peters, Susan Kontos. -- (Annual advances in applied developmental psychology ; v. 2).図書


Subject of BibliographyMedia Form






TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance
1Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
Society for Research in Child Development, National Research Council
雑誌(開架・集密)Under acceptance continuation
2Developmental psychologyAmerican Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychological Association
集密書架Under a stop
3Child development
Williams & Wilkins
雑誌(開架・集密)Under acceptance continuation


TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance