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1アーツ・アンド・クラフツと日本 / デザイン史フォーラム編. -- 思文閣出版, 2004.図書
2Arts and crafts essays / [by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society] ; pref. by William Morris.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
3Art and handicraft / John Sedding.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
4The Manual of the Guild and School of Handicraft / C. R. Ashbee, editor.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
5Ecce mundus and The arts and crafts movement / T. J. Cobden-Sanderson.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
6Craftmanship in competitive industry / C. R. Ashbee.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
7A few chapters in workshop reconstruction and citizenship, and An endeavour towards the teaching of Ruskin and Morris / C. R. Ashbee.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
8Modern ornamentation / Christopher Dresser.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
9Instances of accessory art / Lewis F. Day.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
10Development of ornamental art in the International Exhibition / Christopher Dresser.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書


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