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Subject of BibliographyMedia Form
1Advances in infancy research / co-editors, Lewis P. Lipsitt, Carolyn K. Rovee-Collier ; v. 1 - v. 12. -- ABLEX Publishing, 1981.図書
2Advances in child development and behavior / edited by Hayne W. Reese ; v. 1 - v. 46. -- Academic Press, 1963.図書
3乳幼児の心身発達と環境 : 大阪レポートと精神医学的視点 / 服部祥子, 原田正文著. -- 名古屋大学出版会 , 1991.図書
4認知発達心理学 : 表象と知識の起源と発達 / 落合正行, 土居道栄共編. -- 培風館 , 2002.図書
5How to promote children's social and emotional competence / Carolyn Webster-Statton ; pbk.. -- Paul Chapman , 1999.図書
6Intersubjective communication and emotion in early ontogeny / edited by Stein Brten ; hardcover. -- Cambridge University Press, 1998. -- (Studies in emotion and social interaction ; Second series).図書
7Becoming mature : childhood ghosts and spirits in adult life / Valerie Malhotra Bentz. ; pbk.. -- A. de Gruyter . -- (Communication and social order).図書
8Understanding children's development / Peter K. Smith and Helen Cowie. -- 2nd ed. -- 1991. -- (Basic psychology ).図書
9Developmental psychology : cognitive, perceptuo-motor and neuropsychological perspectives / edited by Claude-Alain Hauert. -- North-Holland, 1990. -- (Advances in psychology ; 64).図書
10Psychobiology and early development / edited by Hellgard Rauh and Hans-Christoph Steinhausen. -- North-Holland, 1987. -- (Advances in psychology ; 46).図書
11Spatial abilities : development and physiological foundations / edited by Michael Potegal. -- Academic Press , 1982. -- (Developmental psychology series ).図書
12Basic visual processes / edited by Leslie B. Cohen, Philip Salapatek. -- Academic Press , 1975. -- (The child psychology series : experimental and theoretical analyses of child behavior ; . Infant perception : from sensation to cognition / edited by Leslie B. Cohen, Philip Salapatek ; v. 1).図書
13The Development of the self / edited by Robert L. Leahy. -- Academic Press , 1985. -- (Developmental psychology series ).図書
14Cognition, metacognition, and reading / Donna-Lynn Forrest-Pressley, T. Gary Waller ; : us, : gw. -- Springer-Verlag , 1984. -- (Springer series in language and communication ; 18).図書
15Behavioral medicine and developmental disabilities / James K. Luiselli, editor ; us, gw. -- Springer-Verlag , 1989. -- (Disorders of human learning, behavior, and communication ).図書
16Perception of space, speech, and sound / edited by Leslie B. Cohen, Philip Salapatek. -- Academic Press , 1975. -- (The child psychology series : experimental and theoretical analyses of child behavior ; . Infant perception : from sensation to cognition / edited by Leslie B. Cohen, Philip Salapatek ; v. 2).図書
17Socialization, personality, and social development / E. Mavis Hetherington, volume editor. -- 4th ed. -- Wiley , 1983. -- (Handbook of child psychology / Paul H. Mussen, editor ; v. 4).図書
18Cognitive development / John H. Flavell, Ellen M. Markman, volume editors. -- 4th ed. -- Wiley , 1983. -- (Handbook of child psychology / Paul H. Mussen, editor ; v. 3).図書
19History, theory, and methods / William Kessen, volume editor. -- 4th ed. -- Wiley , 1983. -- (Handbook of child psychology / Paul H. Mussen, editor ; v. 1).図書
20The acquisition of symbolic skills / edited by Don Rogers and John A. Sloboda. -- Plenum Press , 1983. -- (NATO conference series ; 3 . Human factors ; v. 22).図書


Subject of BibliographyMedia Form






TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance
1Journal of experimental child psychology
Academic Press
集密書架Under a stop
2Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
Society for Research in Child Development, National Research Council
雑誌(開架・集密)Under acceptance continuation
3Developmental psychologyAmerican Psychological AssociationAmerican Psychological Association
集密書架Under a stop
4Child development
Williams & Wilkins
雑誌(開架・集密)Under acceptance continuation


TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance