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1Cognition and second language instruction / edited by Peter Robinson ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press , 2001. -- (The Cambridge applied linguistics series / series editors:Michael H. Long and Jack C. Richards ).図書
2認知発達心理学 : 表象と知識の起源と発達 / 落合正行, 土居道栄共編. -- 培風館 , 2002.図書
3Mind and social practice : selected writings of Sylvia Scribner / edited by Ethel Tobach ... [et al.] ; : pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press , 1997. -- (Learning in doing : social, cognitive, and computational perspectives / general editors, Roy Pea, John Seely Brown ).図書
4In the theater of consciousness : the workspace of the mind / Bernard J. Baars. -- Oxford University Press, 1997.図書
5Words,thoughts,and theories / by Alison Gopnik , Andrew N.Meltzoff. -- MIT. -- (Learning, development,and conceptual change).図書
6Modes of thought : explorations in culture and cogniton / edited by David R.Olson , Nancy Torrance. -- Cambridge Uneversity Press .図書
7Cognition and the visual arts / Robert L. Sloso.. -- MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) . -- (MIT Press / Bradford Books series in cognitive psychology).図書
8Learning and cognition / Thomas Hardy Leahey et al.. -- 3rd ed..図書
9Animal cognition / C.R.Gallistel. -- The MIT Press . -- (Cognition special issues).図書
10The United States and Lithuania : the Stimson doctrine of nonrecognition / Robert A. Vitas. ; alk. paper. -- Praeger .図書
11Creative intelligences / edited by Richard Gregory and Pauline K. Marstrand for Section X of the British Association for the Advancement of Science..図書
12Developmental perspectives on teaching and learning thinking skills / volume editor, Deanna Kuhn.. -- Karger . -- (Contributions to human development ; vol. 21).図書
13Pattern recognition by self-organizing neural networks / edited by Gail A. Carpenter and Stephen Grossberg..図書
14Mind, body, and culture : anthropology and the biological interface / Geoffrey Samuel.. -- Cambridge University Press .図書
15Social cognition and social development : a sociocultural perspective / edited by E. Tory Higgins, Diane N. Ruble, and Willard W. Hartup.. -- Cambridge Unversity Press . -- (Cambridge studies in social and emotional development).図書
16Cognitive science and its applications for human-computer interaction / edited by Raymonde Guindon. -- 1988.図書
17Integrating marker-passing and problem-solving : a spreading activation approach to improved choice in planning / James A. Hendler. -- 1988.図書
18Cognitive psychology : a student's handbook / Michael W. Eysenck, Mark T. Keane ; : hard, : pbk. -- Lawrence Erlbaum Associates , 1990.図書
19Cognitive structure and development in nonhuman primates / edited by Francesco Antinucci ; : pbk. -- 1989. -- (Comparative cognition and neuroscience ).図書
20Learning and cognition / edited by Richard C. Atkinson ... [et al.]. -- 2nd ed. -- Wiley , 1988. -- (A Wiley-Interscience publication ; . Stevens' Handbook of experimental psychology ; v. 2).図書


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