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1International and comparative business : foundations of political economies / Leo McCann ; : pbk, : [hbk.]. -- Sage, 2014.図書
2Economics : a very short introduction / Partha Dasgupta ; : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2007. -- (A very short introduction ; 156).図書
3Public and parliamentary speeches / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson and Bruce L. Kinzer ; introduction by Bruce L. Kinzer ; textual introduction by John M. Robson ; [1] - : set : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1988. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 28-29).図書
4Newspaper writings / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by Ann P. Robson and John M. Robson ; introduction by Ann P. Robson ; textual introduction by John M. Robson ; : [set] : cn - [4]. -- Univiersity of Toronto Press, 1986. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 22-25).図書
5The later letters of John Stuart Mill, 1849-1873 / edited by Francis E. Mineka and Dwight N. Lindley ; [1] : cn - [4] : cn. -- University of Toronto Press. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 14-17).図書
6Additional letters of John Stuart Mill / edited by Marion Filipiuk, Michael Laine and John M. Robson ; introduction by Marion Filipiuk ; : Toronto, : London. -- University of Toronto Press, 1991. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 32).図書
7Miscellaneous writings / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson ; : uk, : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1989. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 31).図書
8Writings on India / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson, Martin Moir, and Zawahir Moir ; introduction by Martin Moir ; textual introduction by John M. Robson ; : uk, : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1990. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 30).図書
9Journals and debating speeches / by John Stuart Mill ; edited by John M. Robson ; [1] - : set : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1988. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 26-27).図書
10Essays on equality, law, and education / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by Stefan Collini ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1984. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 21).図書
11Essays on French history and historians / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by John C. Cairns ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1985. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 20).図書
12An examination of Sir William Hamilton's philosophy and of the principal philosophical questions discussed in his writings / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, J.M. Robson ; introduction by Alan Ryan ; : uk, : cn. -- University of Toronto Press, 1979. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 9).図書
13Essays on England, Ireland, and the Empire / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by Joseph Hamburger ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1982. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 6).図書
14Regions : the economics and politics of territory / Ann Markusen..図書
15Science of home economics and institutional management / Ann Maree Rees. ; pbk.. -- 3rd ed..図書
16International political economy / Jeffry A. Frieden, David A. Lane. ; pbk. -- 2nd ed.. -- Unwin Hyman .図書
17The World economy and the spatial organization of power / edited by Arie Shachar and Sture berg..図書
18A primer for daily life / Susan Willis.. -- Routledge . -- (Studies in culture and communication).図書
19Patterns of change in developing rural regions / edited by Raphael Bar-El, Avrom Bendavid-Val, and Gerald Karaska ; : pbk. -- Westview Press , 1987. -- (Westview special studies in social, political, and economic development ).図書
20Cities in a global society / edited by Richard V. Knight, Gary Gappert. ; pbk.. -- (Urban affairs annual reviews ; v. 35).図書


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