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1Economic problems of the 1990s : Europe, the developing countries, and the United States / edited by Paul Davidson and J.A. Kregel..図書
2Economic transition in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union : issues and strategies / David M. Kemme ; : Westview. -- Institute for East-West Security Studies, 1991. -- (Occasional paper series / Institute for East-West Security Studies ; 20).図書
3Uncertain futures : Eastern Europe and democracy / Peter Volten, editor ; : Westview. -- Institute for East-West Security Studies, 1990. -- (Occasional paper series / Institute for East-West Security Studies ; no. 16).図書
4Military doctrine : change in the East? / Pl Dunay. -- Institute for East-West Security Studies , 1990. -- (Occasional paper series ; 15).図書
5International regimes and the political economy of East-West relations / Laszlo Lang. -- Institute for East-West Security Studies, 1989. -- (Occasional paper series / Institute for East-West Security Studies ; 13).図書
6The bloc that failed : Soviet-East European relations in transition / Charles Gati. -- I.B. Tauris , 1990.図書
7From Stalinism to pluralism : a documentary history of Eastern Europe since 1945 / edited by Gale Stokes. ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- Oxford University Press .図書
8The modern renaissance of Jewish music : events and figures, Eastern Europe and America / by Albert Weisser. -- Bloch Publishing , 1954.図書
9Human rights and security : Europe on the eve of a new era / edited by Vojtech Mastny and Jan Zielonka. ; alk. paper. -- Westview Press .図書


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