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Subject of BibliographyMedia Form
1New perspectives on grammar teaching in second language classrooms / edited by Eli Hinkel and Sandra Fotos ; : pbk. -- 2002. -- (ESL and applied linguistics professional series ).図書
2Video in action : recipes for using video in language teaching / Susan Stempleski, Barry Tomalin. -- Prentice Hall , 1990. -- (English language teaching )(Language teaching methodology series / general editor, Christopher N. Candlin ; . Classroom techniques and resources).図書
3Extensive reading activities for teaching language / edited by Julian Bamford, Richard R. Day ; : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press , 2004. -- (Cambridge handbooks for language teachers / general editor, Michael Swan ).図書
4Teaching language in context / Alice Omaggio Hadley ; with technological updates by Robert M. Terry. -- 3rd ed. -- Heinle & Heinle , 2001.図書
5Task-based language learning and teaching / Rod Ellis. -- Oxford University Press , 2003. -- (Oxford applied linguistics ).図書
6Language and the internet / David Crystal ; : hbk. -- Cambridge University Press , 2001.図書
7Second language teaching & learning / David Nunan ; : pbk.. -- 1999. -- (Newbury House teacher development ).図書
8Language assessment : principles and classroom practices / H. Douglas Brown. -- Longman , 2004.図書
9Language in the USA : themes for the Twenty-first century / [edited by] Edward Finegan, John R. Rickford ; : hardback, : pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press , 2004.図書
10Knowledge of language : its nature, origin, and use / Noam Chomsky. ; pbk.. -- Praeger . -- (Convergence).図書
11Charles Carpenter Fries : his ″oral approach″ for teaching and learning foreign languages / William E. Norris, Jeris E. Strain, editors..図書
12Teaching foreign languages in schools : the silent way / Caleb Gattegno.. -- [2d ed.]. -- Educational Solutions .図書
13Linguistic behaviour / Jonathan Bennett. ; hard, pbk.. -- Hackett Pub. Co. .図書
14Linguistics across cultures : applied linguistics for language teachers. / Robert Lado, with a foreword by Charles C. Fries.. -- University of Michigan Press .図書
15Philosophie und Poesie : Otto Pöggeler zum 60. Geburtstag / herausgegeben von Annemarie Gethmann-Siefert ; Bd. 1, Bd. 2. -- Frommann-Holzboog, 1988. -- (Spekulation und Erfahrung : Texte und Untersuchungen zum deutschen Idealismus ; Abt. 2 ; Untersuchungen ; Bd. 7-8).図書
16Introduction to Montague semantics / by David R. Dowty, Robert E. Wall, and Stanley Peters. ; pbk.. -- (Synthese language library ; v. 11).図書
17Epistemology and cognition / edited by James H. Fetzer. ; alk. paper. -- (Studies in cognitive systems ; v. 6).図書
18Rules and representations / Noam Chomsky. ; pbk.. -- Columbia University Press . -- (Woodbridge lectures delivered at Columbia University ; no. 11, 1978).図書
19Inheritance hierarchies in knowledge representation and programming languages / edited by Maurizio Lenzerini, Daniele Nardi, and Maria Simi..図書
20Language, sense and nonsense : a critical investigation into modern theories of language / G.P. Baker & P.M.S. Hacker. ; pbk..図書


Subject of BibliographyMedia Form






TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance
1Language : journal of the Linguistic Society of America
Linguistic Society of America
旧館:第1書庫Under a stop
2Language learning : a quarterly journal of applied linguistics
Research Club in Language Learning
集密書架Under a stop


TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance