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1The rhythm book : a manual for teachers of children / by Elizabeth Waterman ; music edited by Martha E. Ream, composed by Katherine Rhodes, Beatrice Hellebrandt, Martha E. Ream [and others] .... -- A. S. Barnes and Company, Incorporated, 1936.楽譜
2A people's history of American empire : a graphic adaptation / Howard Zinn, Mike Konopacki, Paul Buhle ; : hardcover, : pbk. -- 1st ed. -- Metropolitan Books, 2008. -- (American empire project).図書
3アーツ・アンド・クラフツと日本 / デザイン史フォーラム編. -- 思文閣出版, 2004.図書
4The open covenant : social change in contemporary society / Christopher Bates Doob. ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- Praeger .図書
5Creative movement for older adults : exercises for the fit to frail / Pauline P. Fisher..図書
6Complex movement behaviour : 'the' motor-action controversy / edited by Onno G. Meijer and Klaus Roth. -- North-Holland, 1988. -- (Advances in psychology ; 50).図書
7Human motor actions : Bernstein reassessed / edited by H.T.A. Whiting. -- North-Holland : Sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, 1984. -- (Advances in psychology ; 17).図書
8Eye movements and human information processing / edited by Rudolf Groner, George McConkie, Christine Menz. -- North-Holland, 1985. -- (Proceedings of the XXIII International Congress of Psychology of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS), Acapulco, Mexico, September 2-7, 1984 : selected/revised papers / editorial committee, Rogelio Daz Guerrero, Wayne H. Holtzman, Mark R. Rosenzweig ; executive editor, Juan Jos Snchez-Sosa ; 23rd : v. 9).図書
9National and class conflict in the Horn of Africa / John Markakis. -- Cambridge University Press , 1987. -- (African studies series ; 55).図書
10Breaking chains : social movements and collective action / edited by Michael Peter Smith.. -- Transaction Publishers . -- (Comparative urban and community research ; v. 3)(Comparative urban research ; 14).図書
11Latin American revolutionaries : groups, goals, methods / Michael Radu and Vladimir Tismaneanu ; est.. -- Pergamon-Brassey's International Defense Publishers , 1990.図書
12The neural and behavioural organization of goal-directed movements / Marc Jeannerod ; : pbk. -- Clarendon Press, 1990. -- (Oxford psychology series ; no. 15).図書
13Free at last? : the civil rights movement and the people who made it / Fred Powledge. -- 1st ed. -- Little, 1991.図書
14To end all segregation : the politics of the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 / Robert D. Loevy ; : alk. paper, : alk. paper : pbk. -- University Press of America , 1990.図書
15Symbolism and American literature / by Charles Feidelson, Jr ; : pbk. -- University of Chicago Press , 1953. -- (Phoenix books ; P37).図書
16Body, space, expression : the development of Rudolf Laban′s movement and dance concepts / Vera Maletic. ; U.S. : alk. paper. -- Mouton de Gruyter . -- (Approaches to semiotics ; 75).図書
17Arts and crafts essays / [by members of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society] ; pref. by William Morris.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
18Art and handicraft / John Sedding.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
19The Manual of the Guild and School of Handicraft / C. R. Ashbee, editor.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書
20Ecce mundus and The arts and crafts movement / T. J. Cobden-Sanderson.. -- Garland Pub. . -- (The Aesthetic movement & the arts and crafts movement).図書


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