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1A guide to playing the baroque guitar / James Tyler. -- Indiana University Press, 2011. -- (Publications of the Early Music Institute).楽譜
2Bach's works for solo violin : style, structure, performance / Joel Lester. -- Oxford University Press, 1999.図書
3Making music on the organ / Peter Hurford. -- Rev. ed. -- Oxford University Press , 1990.図書
4Performance practices in classic piano music : their principles and applications / Sandra P. Rosenblum. -- Indiana University Press , 1988. -- (Music-- scholarship and performance ).図書
5Making music on the organ / Peter Hurford. -- Oxford University Press , 1988.図書
6La pratique musicale au Moyen Age : Musical performance in the late Middle Ages / Edmund A. Bowles ; [traduction franaise, Claude Chauvel.]. -- Minkoff. -- (Iconographie musicale)(Musical iconography).図書
7Vokale und instrumentale Aspekte im musiktheoretischen Schrifttum der 1. Hlfte des 17. Jahrhunderts : Studien zur musikalischen Auffhrungspraxis in Deutschland zur Zeit des Frhbarock / vorgelegt von Ulrich Bartels.. -- G. Bosse . -- (Klner Beitrge zur Musikforschung ; Bd. 159).図書
8The Art of the Piano : Its Performers,Literature,and Recordings / Dubal,David. -- Summit Books : [distributed by]Simon&Schuster Inc. .図書
9Sounding indigenous : authenticity in Bolivian music performance / Michelle Bigenho ; : pbk.. -- Palgrave, 2002.図書
10The heaven singing : music in early English religious drama / Richard Rastall ; v. 1 : pbk. -- D.S. Brewer, 1999.図書


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