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1The Cambridge handbook of personality psychology / edited by Philip J. Corr and Gerald Matthews ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press, 2009.図書
2Toward a psychology of being / Abraham H. Maslow ; pbk.. -- 2nd ed. -- Van Nostrand Reinhold , 1982.
3強迫神経症 / エーミール・クレペリン〔著〕 ; 遠藤みどり, 稲浪正充訳. -- みすず書房 , 1989. -- (精神医学 / エーミール・クレペリン著 ; 4).図書
4認知発達心理学 : 表象と知識の起源と発達 / 落合正行, 土居道栄共編. -- 培風館 , 2002.図書
5人格障害 / 福島章, 町沢静夫, 大野裕編. -- 金剛出版 , 1995.図書
6Temperament and social interaction in infants and children / Jacqueline V. Lerner, Richard M. Lerner, editors. ; pbk.. -- Jossey-Bass . -- (New directions for child development ; no. 31 (Mar. 1986)).図書
7Individuation und Familie : Studien zur Theorie und therapeutischen Praxis / Helm Stierlin.. -- 1. Aufl.. -- Suhrkamp .図書
8Personality and interpersonal communication / edited by James C. McCroskey and John A. Daly. ; pbk.. -- (Sage series in interpersonal communication ; v. 6).図書
9Cultural theory / Michael Thompson, Richard Ellis, Aaron Wildavsky. ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper. -- (Political cultures).図書
10The construction of personality : an introduction / Sarah E. Hampson ; : uk - : us : pbk.. -- 2nd ed.. -- Routledge , 1988. -- (Introductions to modern psychology ).図書
11The psychodynamics of culture : Abram Kardiner and neo-Freudian anthropology / William C. Manson ; alk. paper. -- Greenwood Press , 1988. -- (Contributions to the study of anthropology ; no. 3).図書
12Socialization, personality, and social development / E. Mavis Hetherington, volume editor. -- 4th ed. -- Wiley , 1983. -- (Handbook of child psychology / Paul H. Mussen, editor ; v. 4).図書
13Intrinsic motivation and self-determination in human behavior / Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan. -- Plenum , 1985. -- (Perspectives in social psychology ).図書
14Personality and interpersonal communication / edited by James C. McCroskey and John A. Daly. ; pbk.. -- (Sage series in interpersonal communication ; v. 6).図書
15Handbook of antisocial behavior / editors, David M. Stoff, James Breiling, Jack D. Maser. -- J. Wiley & Sons, 1997.図書
16Social and personality development : an evolutionary synthesis / Kevin B. MacDonald.. -- Plenum Press . -- (Perspectives in developmental psychology).図書
17Personality and the cultural construction of society : papers in honor of Melford E. Spiro / edited by David K. Jordan and Marc J. Swartz. ; alk. paper. -- University of Alabama Press .図書
18Directory of unpublished experimental mental measures / Bert A. Goldman, John L. Saunders, John C. Busch ; series editors, A. Goldman and David F. Mitchell ; v. 1-3 - v. 7. -- 1996.図書
19The assessment of object relations phenomena in adolescence : TAT and Rorschach measures / by Francis D. Kelly. -- 1997. -- (The LEA series in personality and clinical psychology / Irving B. Weiner, editor ).図書
20Handbook of psychological assessment / Gary Groth-Marnat. -- 4th ed. -- 2003.図書


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