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1Psychiatry : a very short introduction / Tom Burns ; : pbk. -- Oxford University Press, 2006. -- (A very short introduction ; 152).図書
2Helping older people : a psychological approach / Charles Twining ; pbk. -- Wiley , 1988.図書
3The Interface of psychiatry and neurology / Manfred Bergener, Sanford I. Finkel, editors. -- Springer Pub. Co., 1990. -- (Clinical and scientific psychogeriatrics ; v. 2).図書
4The Holistic approaches / Manfred Bergener, Sanford I. Finkel, editors. -- Springer Pub. Co., 1990. -- (Clinical and scientific psychogeriatrics ; v. 1).図書
5The life of the mind : selected papers / Jason W. Brown..図書
6Communication : the social matrix of psychiatry / Jurgen Ruesch and Gregory Bateson ; pref. to the 1987 ed. by Paul Watzlawick.. -- Norton .図書
7Obsessive-compulsive and related disorders in adults : a comprehensive clinical guide / Lorrin M. Koran ; pbk.. -- Cambridge University Press , 1999.図書
8Neuropsychology, neuropsychiatry, and behavioral neurology / Rhawn Joseph.. -- Plenum Press . -- (Critical issues in neuropsychology).図書
9神経症性障害・ストレス関連障害 / 田代信維, 越野好文責任編集. -- 中山書店, 1997. -- (臨床精神医学講座 / 松下正明総編集 ; 浅井昌弘 [ほか] 編集 ; 5).図書


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TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance
1Journal of occupational health psychology
Educational Pub. Foundation
集密書架Under a stop


TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance