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1視覚心理学への招待 : 見えの世界へのアプローチ / 大山正著. -- サイエンス社 , 2000. -- (新心理学ライブラリ / 梅本尭夫, 大山正監修 ; 18).図書
2Learning and cognition / edited by Richard C. Atkinson ... [et al.]. -- 2nd ed. -- Wiley , 1988. -- (A Wiley-Interscience publication ; . Stevens' Handbook of experimental psychology ; v. 2).図書
3Perception and motivation / edited by Richard C. Atkinson ... [et al.]. -- 2nd ed. -- Wiley , 1988. -- (A Wiley-Interscience publication ; . Stevens' Handbook of experimental psychology ; v. 1).図書
4Physiological psychology : an introduction / Simon Green ; : pbk.. -- Routledge & Kegan Paul , 1987. -- (Introductions to modern psychology ).図書
5The Measurement of emotions / edited by Robert Plutchik, Henry Kellerman. -- Academic Press, 1989. -- (Emotion : theory, research, and experience ; v. 4).図書
6The psychobiology of emotions / Jack George Thompson. -- Plenum Press , 1988. -- (Emotions, personality, and psychotherapy ).図書
7The emotional brain : physiology, neuroanatomy, psychology, and emotion / P.V. Simonov ; translated from Russian by Marie J. Hall. -- Plenum Press . -- (Emotions, personality, and psychotherapy ).図書
8Psychophysiology of cardiovascular control : models, methods, and data / edited by J.F. Orlebeke, G. Mulder, and L.J.P. van Doornen. -- Plenum Press , 1985. -- (NATO conference series ; III, Human factors ; v. 26).図書
9秘められたパワーを発揮せよ : 精神の設計図 / NHK「人体」プロジェクト著. -- 日本放送出版協会, 1999. -- (NHKスペシャル ; . 驚異の小宇宙・人体||キョウイ ノ ショウウチュウ ジンタイ ; 3 . 遺伝子・DNA||イデンシ DNA ; 5).図書


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TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance
1Behavioral neuroscience

旧館:第1書庫Under a stop


TitleAuthorPublisherHolding VolumesHolding YearsLocationContinuance