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1Brockhaus Enzyklopdie : in 30 Bnden ; Bd. 1 - Bd. 30. -- 21., vllig neu bearbeitete Aufl. -- F.A. Brockhaus , 2006.図書
2Novo dicionrio da lngua portuguesa / Aurlio Buarque de Holanda Ferreira ; assistentes, Margarida dos Anjos ... [et al.] ; auxiliar, Giovani Mafra e Silva ; colaborao especializada, Ademar Bezerra Ferreira Lima ... [et al.]. -- 2a. ed., rev. e aum. -- 1986.図書
3Le nouveau dictionnaire des auteurs : de tous les temps et de tous les pays / Laffont-Bompiani ; dition complte - 3. N-Z. -- Nouvelle d. -- R. Laffont , 1994. -- (Bouquins ).図書
4Le nouveau dictionnaire des uvres de tous les temps et de tous les pays / Laffont-Bompiani ; : dition complte - 7. Index. -- Nouvelle d. -- R. Laffont , 1994. -- (Bouquins ).図書
5Grand dictionnaire universel du XIXe sicle : franais, historique, gographique, mythologique, bibliographique, littraire, artistique, scientifique, etc. / Pierre Larousse ; : - 17-3. 2. Suppl. G-Z. -- Slatkine , 1982.図書
6Webster′s third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove, and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff..図書
7Oxford advanced learner's dictionary of current English / A.S. Hornby ; : jp with DVD-ROM, : jp. -- New 8th ed. / managing editor, Joanna Turnbull ; principal editor, Diana Lea ; senior editor, Dilys Parkinson ; editors, Patrick Phllips ... [et al.] ; phonetics editor, Michael Ashby. -- Oxford University Press, 2010.図書
8Longman dictionary of contemporary English. -- 5訂版. -- 桐原書店 (発売), 2009.図書
9Skira dictionary of modern decorative arts : 1851-1942 / Valerio Terraroli. -- Skira, 2001.図書
10The Oxford encyclopedia of food and drink in America / Andrew F. Smith, editor in chief ; v. 1, v. 2. -- Oxford University Press, 2004.図書
11ステッドマン医学大辞典 : 英和・和英 / ステッドマン医学大辞典編集委員会編[訳]. -- 改訂第5版. -- メジカルビュー社 , 2002.図書
12Thesaurus of traditional English metaphors / P.R. Wilkinson. -- 2nd ed. -- Routledge , 2002.図書
13Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged / editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff ; : blue sturdite, : carrying case, : imperial buckram. -- 2002.図書
14Medieval Germany : an encyclopedia / edited by John M. Jeep. -- Garland Pub. , 2001.図書
15The concise Oxford English dictionary ; : thumb. -- 10th ed. revised / edited by Judy Pearsall. -- 2002.図書
16The pocket Oxford dictionary and thesaurus / edited by Frank R. Abate. -- American ed. -- Oxford University Press , 1997.図書
17ニューグローヴ世界音楽大事典 = The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians ; : set - 別巻2: 参考文献. -- 講談社, 1993.図書
18Le Grand Robert de la langue franaise : du dictionnaire alphabtique et analogique de la langue franaise / de Paul Robert ; set - t. 6. Romb-Z. -- 2e d. / dirige par Alain Rey, nouv. d. augm.. -- Le Robert , 2001.図書
19A dictionary of modern written Arabic : (Arabic-English) / Hans Wehr ; edited by J. Milton Cowan. -- 4. ed., considerably enl. and amended by the author. -- 1994.図書
20岩波生物学辞典 / 八杉龍一 [ほか] 編集. -- 第4版. -- 岩波書店 , 1996.図書






