

NII検索 検索条件 和洋区分 図 書 雑 誌
全資料 108件 2件







1Building cultural competence : innovative activities and models / edited by Kate Berardo and Darla K. Deardorff ; foreword by Fons Trompenaars ; : pbk. -- 1st ed. -- Stylus Pub., 2012.図書
2Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific / Michael Crossley, Greg Hancock and Terra Sprague ; : HB. -- Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. -- (Education around the world / series editor, Colin Brock).図書
3The tactful teacher : effective communication with parents, colleagues, and administrators / Yvonne Bender. -- Nomad Press.図書
4Perfect phrases for classroom teachers : hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for parent-teacher conferences, report cards, ieps and other school documents / Christine Canning Wilson ; : alk. paper. -- McGraw-Hill, 2010.図書
5Starting drama teaching / Mike Fleming ; : pbk. -- 3rd ed. -- Routledge, 2011.図書
6レファレンスサービスのための主題・主題分析・統制語彙 / 愛知淑徳大学図書館編 ; 鹿島みづき著. -- 勉誠出版, 2009.図書
7A miniature guide for those who teach on how to improve student learning : 30 practical ideas / by Richard Paul and Linda Elder. -- [2nd ed]. -- Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2003. -- (The thinker's guide library).楽譜
8Video in action : recipes for using video in language teaching / Susan Stempleski, Barry Tomalin. -- Prentice Hall , 1990. -- (English language teaching )(Language teaching methodology series / general editor, Christopher N. Candlin ; . Classroom techniques and resources).図書
9Pursuing professional development : the self as source / Kathleen M. Bailey, Andy Curtis, David Nunan. -- 2001. -- (TeacherSource ).図書
10Task-based language learning and teaching / Rod Ellis. -- Oxford University Press , 2003. -- (Oxford applied linguistics ).図書
11Assessing reading / J. Charles Alderson ; : hbk, : pbk. -- Cambridge University Press , 2000. -- (The Cambridge language assessment series / editors, J. Charles Alderson and Lyle F. Bachman ).図書
12How to promote children's social and emotional competence / Carolyn Webster-Statton ; pbk.. -- Paul Chapman , 1999.図書
13Children in the Muslim Middle East / edited by Elizabeth Warnock Fernea. -- 1st ed.. -- University of Texas Press , 1995.図書
14Researching the art of teaching : ethnography for educational use / by Peter Woods. -- Routledge .図書
15Computers in Education / Paul F.Merrill[ほか]. -- 3rd edition. -- Allyn & Bacon .図書
16Recurrent education : a revived agenda / Ed Davis, Jack M. Wood and Barry W. Smith ; with an introduction by Chris Duke..図書
17Senior citizen education programs : opportunities on college campuses in the Southeast / by Diane Sudak and Phyllis Kozokoff..図書
18Children and television : a challenge for education / edited by Michael E. Manley-Casimir and Carmen Luke. ; alk. paper. -- Praeger .図書
19Essays on equality, law, and education / by John Stuart Mill ; editor of the text, John M. Robson ; introduction by Stefan Collini ; : cn, : uk. -- University of Toronto Press, 1984. -- (Collected works of John Stuart Mill ; v. 21).図書
20Library media leadership in academic secondary schools / Pauline H. Anderson ; foreword by Theodore R. Sizer. ; hard : alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper.図書








1A.V. communication reviewDepartment of Audiovisual Instruction of the NEA

2Educational communication and technology
[Association for Educational Communications and Technology]

