

NII検索 検索条件 和洋区分 図 書 雑 誌
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1Living on borrowed time : conversations with Citlali Rovirosa-Madrazo / Zygmunt Bauman ; : pbk. -- Polity, 2010.図書
2ダイナミクスと挑戦 / ロビン・コーエン, ポール・ケネディ著 ; 伊藤茂訳. -- 平凡社, 2003. -- (グローバル・ソシオロジー / ロビン・コーエン, ポール・ケネディ著 ; 伊藤茂訳 ; 2).図書
3格差と亀裂 / ロビン・コーエン, ポール・ケネディ著 ; 伊藤茂訳. -- 平凡社, 2003. -- (グローバル・ソシオロジー / ロビン・コーエン, ポール・ケネディ著 ; 伊藤茂訳 ; 1).図書
4Encyclopedia of sociology / Edgar F. Borgatta, editor-in-chief ; Marie L. Borgatta, managing editor ; : set - v. 4. S-Z, index. -- Macmillan, 1992.図書
5Embattled reason / Reinhard Bendix. ; volume 2, v.2.図書
6They looked for a city : a comparative analysis of the ideal of community in the thought of Howard Thurman and Martin Luther King, Jr. / Walter E. Fluker. ; alk. paper, pbk. : alk. paper.図書
7Milieu und Lebenswelt : Einfhrung in die phnomenologische Soziologie und die sozialphnomenologische Forschung / Richard Grathoff.. -- 1. Aufl.. -- Suhrkamp .図書
8The Social reproduction of organization and culture / edited by Ulf Himmelstrand. ; pbk.. -- (Sociology: from crisis to science? ; v. 2).図書
9Communication and medical practice : social relations in the clinic / David Silverman. ; pbk.. -- Sage Publications .図書
10Cross-cultural adaptation : current approaches / edited by Young Yun Kim, William B. Gudykunst. ; pbk.. -- Published in cooperation with the Speech Communication Association. -- (International and intercultural communication annual ; v. 11.).図書
11Urban sociology : society, locality and human nature / Peter Dickens. ; cased, pbk. -- Harvester Wheatsheaf . -- (Studies in sociology).図書
12Theory and politics : studies in the development of critical theory / Helmut Dubiel ; translated by Benjamin Gregg ; with an introduction by Martin Jay.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
13Disorganized capitalism : contemporary transformations of work and politics / Claus Offe ; edited by John Keane. ; pbk.. -- 1st MIT ed.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
14Fate and utopia in German sociology, 1870-1923 / Harry Liebersohn.. -- (Studies in contemporary German social thought).図書
15Undoing the social : towards a deconstructive sociology / Ann Game ; : pbk. -- Open University Press , 1991.図書
16The everyday world as problematic : a feminist sociology / Dorothy E. Smith ; U.S. : pbk.. -- 1988.図書
17The Sociology of social work / edited by Martin Davies. -- Routledge , 1991.図書
18International bibliography of social and cultural anthropology / prepared by the International Committee for Social Sciences Documentation = Bibliographie internationale d'anthropologie sociale et culturelle / tablie par le Comit international pour la documentation des sciences sociales ; v. 32. 1986. -- Routledge . -- (International bibliography of the social sciences = Bibliographie internationale des sciences sociales ).図書
19Reason and the rationalization of society / Jrgen Habermas ; translated by Thomas McCarthy ; :, : pbk. -- Heinemann , 1984. -- (The theory of communicative action / Jrgen Habermas ; translated by Thomas McCarthy ; v. 1).図書
20Communicative action : essays on Jrgen Habermas's The theory of communicative action / edited by Axel Honneth and Hans Joas ; translated by Jeremy Gaines and Doris L. Jones. -- 1991.図書








1American sociological review : the official journal of the American Sociological Society
American Sociological Society
2The American journal of sociology
University of Chicago Press

